PT. RAMTECH UTAMA JAYA is located in Batam Island, established since 2012 and It was founded by Mr. Ramli Lee, He inspired the founding of his company stems from his Grandfather, since 1934 his Grandfather was the field of turning to supply the needs of shipbuilding on the Japanese colonial era, thus making a small business, that is lathe workshop which was named "LIE HONG".
Lowongan kerja Batam 2017
Sales Engineering
- Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Engineering/Marketing,
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dibidangnya,
- Menguasai software CAD (Autocad) dan Ms Office,
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dengna baik dan ramah,
- Memiliki kemampuan presentasi dan analistis yang baik,
- rajin, loyal, jujur, teliti dan bekerja keras,
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan target,
Lamaran diantar langsung ke :
PT Ramtech Utama Jaya
Komp. Pinang Jaya No. 3
Batu Ampar (sebelah agung automall)
atau email ke :